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// Can't comment a .json file, but the suffixes come from these pages:
// http://home.kpn.nl/vanadovv/BignumbyN.html
import standardSuffixes from '../static/standard-suffixes.json'
import longScaleSuffixes from '../static/long-scale-suffixes.json'
import {requireDecimal} from './decimal'

// TODO: use this page to generate names dynamically, for even larger numbers:
//   http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/59154.html

function validate(condition, message) {
  if (!condition) {
    throw new Error(message)
  return condition

// polyfill IE and phantomjs
const log10 = (() => {
  if (!!Math.log10) {
    return Math.log10
  return function(val) {
    let ret = Math.log(val) / Math.LN10;
    // bloody stupid rounding errors
    ret = Math.round(ret * 1e6) / 1e6
    return ret

// Math.floor() to a specified number of sigfigs for native JS numbers.
// Like Decimal.floor(sigfigs).
// Based on http://blog.magnetiq.com/post/497605344/rounding-to-a-certain-significant-figures-in
function floorSigfigs(n, sig) {
  if (!sig) return n
  if (n < 0) return -floorSigfigs(-n, sig)
  var mult = Math.pow(10,
    sig - Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10) - 1)
  return Math.floor(n * mult) / mult
const backends = {
  'native': {
    normalize(val) {
      return val
    // Suffixes are a list - which index of the list do we want?
    // _index(999) === 0
    // _index(1000) === 1
    // _index(1000000) === 2
    index(val) {
      // string length is faster but fails for length >= 20, where JS starts
      // formatting with e
      return Math.max(0, Math.floor(log10(Math.abs(val))/3))
    prefix(val, index, {sigfigs}) {
      // `sigfigs||undefined` supports sigfigs=[null|0], #15
      return floorSigfigs(val / Math.pow(1000, index), sigfigs).toPrecision(sigfigs || undefined)
  'decimal.js': {
    // api docs: https://mikemcl.github.io/decimal.js/
    _requireDecimal(config) {
      const Decimal = requireDecimal(config)
      if (!Decimal) throw new Error('requireDecimal() failed')
      //return Decimal.clone(config)
      return Decimal.clone ? Decimal.clone(config) : Decimal
    normalize(val, config) {
      const Decimal = this._requireDecimal(config)
      return new Decimal(val)
    index(val, config) {
      const Decimal = this._requireDecimal(config)
      // index = val.log10().dividedToIntegerBy(Decimal.log 1000)
      // Decimal.log() is too slow for large numbers. Docs say performance degrades exponentially as # digits increases, boo.
      // Lucky me, the length is used by decimal.js internally: num.e
      // this is in the docs, so I think it's stable enough to use...
      // Actually, not quite. decimal.js, decimal.js-light, and break_infinity
      // are all slightly different here. Not worth separate adapters yet.
      val = new Decimal(val)
      const e = val.exponent
        ? typeof val.exponent === 'function'
          // decimal.js-light
          ? val.exponent()
          // break_infinity.js
          : val.exponent
        // decimal.js
        : val.e
      return Math.floor(e / 3)
    prefix(val, index, config) {
      const {sigfigs} = config
      const Decimal = this._requireDecimal(config)
      var div = new Decimal(1000).pow(index)
      // `sigfigs||undefined` supports sigfigs=[null|0], #15
      return new Decimal(val).dividedBy(div).toPrecision(sigfigs || undefined, Decimal.ROUND_DOWN)

// The formatting function.
function _format(val, opts) {
  const backend = validate(backends[opts.backend], `not a backend: ${opts.backend}`)
  val = backend.normalize(val, opts)
  const index = backend.index(val, opts)
  const suffix = opts.suffixFn(index)
  // `{sigfigs: undefined|null|0}` for automatic sigfigs is supported.
  let sigfigs = opts.sigfigs || undefined
  // optionally format small numbers differently: show decimals without trailing zeros
  if (Math.abs(val) < opts.maxSmall) {
    // second param for decimal.js only, native ignores it
    return val.toPrecision(sigfigs, opts.rounding).replace(/(\.\d*[1-9])0+$/, '$1')
  // opts.minSuffix: Use JS native formatting for smallish numbers, because
  // '99,999' is prettier than '99.9k'
  // it's safe to let Math coerce Decimal.js to infinity here, gt/lt still work
  if (Math.abs(val) < opts.minSuffix) {
    val = Math.floor(val)
    return val.toLocaleString()
  // No suffix found: use scientific notation. JS's native toExponential is fine.
  if (!suffix && suffix !== '') {
    if (!!sigfigs) {
      sigfigs -= 1
    return val.toExponential(sigfigs).replace('e+', 'e')
  // Found a suffix. Calculate the prefix, the number before the suffix.
  const prefix = backend.prefix(val, index, opts)
  return `${prefix}${suffix}`

const defaultOptions = {
  backend: 'native',
  flavor: 'full',
  suffixGroup: 'full',
  suffixFn(index) {
    var suffixes = this.suffixes || this.suffixGroups[this.suffixGroup]
    validate(suffixes, `no such suffixgroup: ${this.suffixGroup}`)
    if (index < suffixes.length) {
      return suffixes[index] || ''
    // return undefined
  // minimum value to use any suffix, because '99,900' is prettier than '99.9k'
  minSuffix: 1e5,
  // don't use sigfigs for smallish numbers. #13
  minSuffixSigfigs: false,
  // Special formatting for numbers with a decimal point
  maxSmall: 0,
  sigfigs: 3, // often overridden by flavor
  format: 'standard'
// User-visible format choices, like on swarmsim's options screen.
// Each has a different set of options.
export const Formats = {
  standard: {suffixGroups: standardSuffixes},
  // like standard formatting, with a different set of suffixes
  longScale: {suffixGroups: longScaleSuffixes},
  // like standard formatting, with no suffixes at all
  scientific: {suffixGroups: {full: [], short: []}},
  // like standard formatting, with a smaller set of suffixes
  hybrid: {
    suffixGroups: {
      full: standardSuffixes.full.slice(0, 12),
      short: standardSuffixes.short.slice(0, 12),
  // like standard formatting, with a different/infinite set of suffixes
  engineering: {suffixFn: index => index === 0 ? '' : `E${index*3}`},
// A convenient way for the developer to modify formatters.
// These are different from formats - not user-visible.
const Flavors = {
  full: {suffixGroup: 'full', sigfigs: 5},
  short: {suffixGroup: 'short', sigfigs: 3},
// Allow callers to extend formats and flavors.
defaultOptions.formats = Formats
defaultOptions.flavors = Flavors

export class Formatter {
   * @param {Object} opts All formatter configuration.
   * @param {string} [opts.flavor='full'] 'full' or 'short'. Flavors can modify any number of other options here. Full is the default; short has fewer sigfigs and shorter standard-suffixes.
   * @param {Object} [opts.flavors] Specify your own custom flavors.
   * @param {string} [opts.backend='native'] 'native' or 'decimal.js'.
   * @param {string} [opts.suffixGroup]
   * @param {Function} [opts.suffixFn]
   * @param {number} [opts.minSuffix=1e5]
   * @param {number} [opts.maxSmall=0] Special formatting for numbers with a decimal point
   * @param {number} [opts.sigfigs=5]
   * @param {number} [opts.format='standard'] 'standard', 'hybrid', 'scientific', 'longScale'.
   * @param {Object} [opts.formats] Specify your own custom formats.
   * @param {Function} [opts.Decimal] With the decimal.js backend, use this custom decimal.js constructor, like decimal.js-light or break_infinity.js. By default, we'll try to import decimal.js.
  constructor(opts = {}) {
    /** @type Object */
    this.opts = opts
    // create convenience methods for each flavor
    var flavors = Object.keys(this._normalizeOpts().flavors)
    // the fn(i) is for stupid binding tricks with the looped fn(val, opts)
    for (var i=0; i < flavors.length; i++) (i => {
      var flavor = flavors[i]
      // capitalize the first letter to camel-case method name, like formatShort
      var key = 'format' + flavor.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + flavor.substr(1)
      /** @ignore */
      this[key] = (val, opts) => this.formatFlavor(val, flavor, opts)

  _normalizeOpts(opts={}) {
    // all the user-specified opts, no defaults
    opts = Object.assign({}, this.opts, opts)
    // opts.format redefines some other opts, but should never override the user's opts
    var format = opts && opts.format
    var formats = (opts && opts.formats) || defaultOptions.formats
    var formatOptions = formats[format || defaultOptions.format]
    validate(formatOptions, `no such format: ${format}`)
    var flavor = opts && opts.flavor
    var flavors = (opts && opts.flavors) || defaultOptions.flavors
    var flavorOptions = flavors[flavor || defaultOptions.flavor]
    validate(flavorOptions, `no such flavor: ${flavor}`)
    // finally, add the implied options: defaults and format-derived
    return Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, formatOptions, flavorOptions, opts)
   * @param {number} val
   * @param {Object} [opts]
   * @return {number} which suffix to use for this number in a list of suffixes. You can also think of this as "how many commas are in the number?"
  index(val, opts) {
    opts = this._normalizeOpts(opts)
    return backends[opts.backend].index(val, opts)
   * @param {number} val
   * @param {Object} [opts]
   * @return {string} The suffix that this number would use, with no number shown.
   * @example
   * new Formatter().suffix(1e6)
   * // => " million"
   * @example
   * new Formatter().suffix(1e6, {flavor: "short"})
   * // => "M"
  suffix(val, opts) {
    opts = this._normalizeOpts(opts)
    var index = backends[opts.backend].index(val, opts)
    return opts.suffixFn(index)
   * Format a number.
   * @param {number} val
   * @param {Object} [opts] Override the options provided to the Formatter constructor.
   * @return {string} The formatted number.
   * @example
   * new Formatter().format(1e6)
   * // => "1.0000 million"
  format(val, opts) {
    opts = this._normalizeOpts(opts)
    return _format(val, opts)
   * Format a number with a specified flavor. It's very common to call the formatter with different flavors, so it has its own shortcut.
   * `Formatter.formatFull()` and `Formatter.formatShort()` are also available.
   * @param {number} val
   * @param {string} flavor 'short' or 'full'. See opts.flavor.
   * @param {Object} [opts]
   * @return {string} The formatted number.
   * @example
   * new Formatter().format(1e6, 'short')
   * // => "1.00M"
  formatFlavor(val, flavor, opts) {
    return this.format(val, Object.assign({}, opts, {flavor}))
   * @param {Object} [opts]
   * @return {string[]} The complete list of formats available. Use this to build an options UI to allow your players to choose their favorite format.
  listFormats(opts) {
    opts = this._normalizeOpts(opts)
    return Object.keys(opts.formats)

const numberformat = new Formatter()
numberformat.defaultOptions = defaultOptions
numberformat.Formatter = Formatter
export default numberformat

 * Format a number using the default options.
 * @param {number} val
 * @param {Object} [opts]
 * @return string
 * @example
 * format(1e6)
 * // => "1.0000 million"
 * @example
 * format(1e6, {sigfigs: 1})
 * // => "1 million"
export const format = (val, opts) => numberformat.format(val, opts)
 * Format a full-flavor number using the default options. Identical to `format()`
 * @param {number} val
 * @param {Object} [opts]
 * @return string
 * @example
 * format(1e6)
 * // => "1.0000 million"
export const formatFull = (val, opts) => numberformat.formatFlavor(val, 'full', opts)
 * Format a short-flavor number using the default options.
 * @param {number} val
 * @param {Object} [opts]
 * @return string
 * @example
 * format(1e6)
 * // => "1.00M"
export const formatShort = (val, opts) => numberformat.formatFlavor(val, 'short', opts)